One untrained, out-of-shape, novice hiker attempts to conquer a 1200-mile trail.
A Mammoth Walk:
Getting Lost on the Ice Age Trail
with friends and family.
My name is Kathryn and I’m a non-hiker who is taking on the challenge of the Ice Age Trail with the help of friends and family.
Hiking the IAT is an incredible opportunity for personal and physical growth. With this 1,200-mile journey through Wisconsin's landscapes, I am excited to challenge myself, improve my health, and step outside my comfort zone. I look forward to not only strengthening my body but also immersing myself in the natural beauty of the state. I am ready to push my limits and embrace a new challenge. I hope you'll join me.
The Trail
The Ice Age Trail is a scenic 1,200-mile footpath that crosses Wisconsin, beginning in the west at St. Croix Falls and ending in Sturgeon Bay, Door County. 600+ miles of the trail are protected or “yellow-blazed” segments, with another 500+ miles of connecting paths, resulting in a continuous trail across the state.
Most of the blazed Ice Age Trail Segments fit a traditional, off-road hiking experience. Some segments, however, lead hikers right down the main streets of Wisconsin communities. This is by design – the Ice Age Trail is meant to connect people and communities.
The trail is supported and maintained by the Ice Age Trail Alliance and hundreds of volunteers.
45° 24’36" N
92° 38’23" W
44° 51’52" N
87° 24’54" W
How Can I Help?
Join Me!
Everything is better with some company!
Whether it’s been 2 hours, 2 years, or 2 decades since we last saw each other, if you want to join me on the trail for a segment or two, I’d love to have you with me! What better way to catch up! And for those of you who hike regularly (and actually know what you’re doing) I’d be so appreciative of the expert company on those longer 10+ mile segments!
Check In With Me
Not a hiker? I completely understand!
If you aren’t able to join me on the trail, ask me about my progress! Send me a quick note of support. Pester me when I haven’t updated in a while! Help motivate me by simply checking in with me on my goals. The more of you asking me about it, the more likely I am to see it through.
Follow me on IG @katchasestheiceage
Follow my journey.
Yep! That’s the plan at least. But definitely not all at once! I’ll be taking it slow, sometimes a segment a week, other times it might be one a month… I’ve got a family and two jobs that keep me plenty busy! But my hope is to finish the whole trail.
That’s a good question. And the answer is a bit longer than I have time for here, but the main reason is because I’ve never done anything like this and it’s a healthy challenge in more ways than one! For a deeper explanation, please read my trail notes.
Short answer: I have no idea. I’m not setting a deadline for myself just yet. As the challange progresses, I may decide on a end point goal, but for now I’m focused on enjoying the journey.
If you’ve stumbled onto this page by accident, let me introduce myself! My name is Kathryn. I live in Madison, WI, and have set a goal to complete the IAT. But I’m not what you would call an “outdoorsy” person. So this goal is a bit outside my comfort zone. This site is a way for me to record my experience and share it with my wonderful network of friends and family.